Here is some information about the means of transportation you may need to get to Corinaldo.
If you are willing to drive (or can get a ride from someone), that would probably be your most convenient choice. See this page for addresses and maps. (Outdoor) parking space is not a problem in Corinaldo.
The only public means of transportation to and from Corinaldo are a number of buses connecting it to bigger towns nearby, most notably Senigallia. These buses do not run very often and it may not be immediately evident to the unfamiliar traveler what bus to get on. Also, the drivers are not likely to speak English. For these reasons, we will try to find a ride for all participants who request it (although that might be difficult if you arrive or leave in the middle of the meeting). That said, with a bit of initiative, catching a bus from Senigallia to Corinaldo is not too big of a deal. There is a bus stop right in front of the station, on the other side of the road (can get there via underpass). For an up-to-date schedule, go to this web page and click on "Da Senigallia per l'interno". Notice that the times in the schedule refer to the departing point of the bus, which is not the train station. The bus will get to the train station after about 5 minutes from departure. Also notice that June 2 is National Holiday in Italy. The buses denoted "scolastico", which means "when schools are in session", do not run on that day. From Jesi the situation is more complicated and we suggest you find an alternative, such as getting a ride from some of us or catching a taxi.
Corinaldo is about 20 km from Senigallia, which is on the Bologna-Ancona train line, and 30 km from Jesi, on the Rome-Ancona train line. You can browse the train schedule and, upon registration, purchase a ticket here. The site seems to have a problem with (some?) foreign credit cards. However, there should be no need to buy your ticket in advance, as they virtually never sell out. Also, prices for regional trains are not shown more than 7 days in advance, so, if you need a price estimate, it's best to use a date in the near future.
Train pick-ups and drop-offs
To Corinaldo: On Sunday May 30 we will send a van to the Senigallia train station at around 5pm, waiting from the 5:00 train from Bologna. Also, we will send a van to the Jesi train station at around 6:15-6:30pm, waiting for the 6:11 train from Rome.
From Corinaldo: On Friday June 4, a van will leave Corinaldo towards the Jesi train station at 2:30pm, well in time to catch the 3:42 train to Rome. And at 4pm a van will leave towards the Senigallia train station, in time to catch the 4:58 train to Bologna.
The closest airport is Ancona (AOI), about 40 km from Corinaldo. Assuming that the number of people flying to Ancona will not be very large, it will be rather easy for some of us to come pick you up there. Closest decent-sized airport: Bologna (BLQ), about 200 km. Someone should be driving from Bologna on Sunday May 30. Closest international hub: Rome (FCO), about 300 km. There is a shuttle train connecting this airport (Fiumicino) to the main train station in Rome (Termini). You can purchase a train ticket all the way to Jesi from the ticket counter at the airport.