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Guest Speakers

Emanuele Caglioti
Sapienza Università di Roma
Distance-based methods for phylogenetic reconstruction and applications in linguistics and biology”
Stephen Coombes
University of Nottingham
Mathematical Neuroscience: from neurons to networks”
Michael Ghil
Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris & University of California, Los Angeles
Toward a mathematical theory of climate sensitivity”
George Haller
McGill University, Montreal
Lagrangian Coherent Structures, finite-time hyperbolicity and Lyapunov exponents”
Francesca Tria
ISI Foundation, Torino
Distance-based methods for phylogenetic reconstruction and applications in linguistics and biology”

Dynamics Speakers

Viviane Baladi
Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris
“Anisotropic Sobolev spaces adapted to piecewise hyperbolic dynamics”
Péter Bálint
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
“Dispersing billiards with cusps and tunnels”
Carlo Carminati
Università di Pisa
“A canonical thickening of the rationals and the dynamics of continued fractions”
Francesco Cellarosi
Princeton University
“On the limit curlicue process for theta sums”
Nikolai Chernov
University of Alabama at Birmingham
“Hyperbolic dynamics in 2D periodic Lorentz gases under external fields”
Jacopo De Simoi
Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris
“High order critical sets for some anti-integrable limits of the standard map”
Rafael De la Llave
University of Texas at Austin
“Hyperbolic sets and their invariant manifolds in coupled map lattices: regularity and localization properties”
Mark Demers
Fairfield University
“Escape rates, entropy and Lyapunov exponents in dynamical systems with holes”
Stefano Isola
Università di Camerino
“Subdiffusive behaviour generated by some non-hyperbolic system”
Carlangelo Liverani
Università di Roma Tor Vergata
“Some models related to the derivation of the Fourier Law”
Robert MacKay
University of Warwick
“Some examples of hyperbolic dynamics”
Roberto Markarian
Universidad de la República, Montevideo
“Attractors in billiards with dominated splitting”
Jens Marklof
University of Bristol
“Kinetic transport in the periodic Lorentz gas”
Maria José Pacifico
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
“On the dynamics of the Yoccoz-Birkeland model for the Microtus Epiroticus”
Pietro Peterlongo
Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa & Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris
“How logarithm laws may fail in a mixing system: an example with a reparametrization of a translation on the torus”
Luc Rey-Bellet
University of Massachusetts at Amherst
“Game theory and statistical mechanics”
Domokos Szász
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
“(Super)diffusive asymtotics for perturbed Lorentz or Lorentz-like processes”
Masato Tsujii
Kyushu University, Fukuoka
“Contact Anosov flows and FBI transform”
Péter Tóth
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
“A heat conduction model with localized billiard disks and weak interaction forces”
Corinna Ulcigrai
University of Bristol
“Mixing time-changes of parabolic flows”
Tanya Yarmola
University of Maryland
“Ergodicity of some open systems with particle-disk interactions”
James Yorke
University of Maryland
“Infinitely many cascades must exist as chaos arises in n-dimensional Euclidean space”
Lai-Sang Young
New York University
“Dynamics of periodically-kicked oscillators”